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Gift Baskets

Candy Bouquet



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You can never go wrong giving a candy Bouquet..... The gift you get to eat!!!! and not toss out after four days.

Anyone can  have a candy bouquet, co-worker, friends and family or just sit is on your desks for show. 

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Over the Hill

  Welcome to the 40 club this candy bouquet is filled with Hershey's milk chocolate candy and  grape sucker that say ..."40 sucks"  and a mug. This is a fun gift to give.$45.00

We are sorry, but ground shipment is not available for this gift.  



This bud will bright up anyone

This Budweiser gift box is filled to the brim with an array of the most popular candies and snacks  

We are sorry, but ground shipment is not available for this gift.    $55.00  



 Coke Cola Special

This  is a classic  gift box is filled with nothing but the best of candy and snacks 

 We are sorry, but ground shipment is not available for this gift.    $55.00  


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Twinkle little STAR

This brilliant assortment of candy will make any occasion a star occasion! Includes an assortment of chocolate, nuts, chews, and many more mouth-watering treats.
We are sorry, but ground shipment is not available for this gift.    $45.00


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Bright as the sun

 This candy bouquet will brighten up any office or home.  A pint-sized version of the original bouquet, this arrives overflowing with assorted chocolates, classic candies, and suckers. 
We are sorry, but ground shipment is not available for this gift.   $45.00



Healthy  work out

You would never think that healthy could taste so good! Send a wonderful selection of healthy snacks in this "For The Health of It" candy bouquet.  

We are sorry, but ground shipment is not available for this gift.



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M&M ....stand for eat more & more...

Just about all of the M& M family his here Plane, Peanut, Almonds and Crispy, This  another great gift to give a love one or a friend. 

 We are sorry, but ground shipment is not available for this gift. $45.00


Lollipops for anyone

What a bunch of suckers! With dozens of suckers, this candy bouquet has flavors popping up everywhere! Too many varieties and flavors to list. How may licks does it take? You may never know!    

 We are sorry, but ground shipment is not available for this gift.    $45. 00



"I Don't See The Exact Design I Need."

Not a Problem! Because gift baskets are so versatile, we can design a gift that IS perfect! Email  us and we will go over the occasion, your budget, delivery information & voila...THE PERFECT GIFT!  



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